Northeast Precision invests in only state of the art high quality inspection equipment. We are committed to consistently meeting our customers dimensional specifications and tolerances. If we cannot measure it, we will not ship it! It’s that simple!

From raw material to final examination, you can be assured that your workpiece parts are being thoroughly inspected and monitored during every step of the process.

The inspection process includes verifying the measurements, tests and gauges applied to certain characteristics regarding a workpiece. The measurements are then compared to the specified print requirements and standards to ensure the product meets the specifications.

CNC Inspection Services | Northeast Precision


Frequent inspection increases the production output with fewer defects, improving the overall quality.


Proper project management allows us to ensure our competitive edge and keeps our customers happy.


Streamlined processes make better products and solutions for our customers.

Examples of the high quality machine work we can provide

Have a Project?

Northeast Precision Inc. can handle any type of custom machining to produce nothing short or extremely precise results. You can trust us with having over 20 years of experience in the industry.