Here at Northeast Precision Inc, we specialize in Swiss CNC parts. Our Swiss CNC Sliding Headstock Lathes is the perfect option for machining large quantities of small, complex cylindrical parts with tight tolerances. Whether you need 1,000 pieces to 100,000 pieces produced, our CNC Swiss machining delivers identical quality for precision machining requirements.

Swiss CNC Machining is the most precise and efficient machining method for critical components. The Swiss CNC Sliding Headstock Lathes has a wide range of capabilities that span across multiple industries from land, to sea, to air, to life sustaining medical components. Contact us for all your precision parts needs.

CNC Parts | Northeast Precision

What is Swiss CNC Machining?

Swiss machining is a type of precision manufacturing where parts are formed by CNC unit-operated lathes which turn the material in a radial motion while passing it through a precision guide bushing. This type of specialized process allows for tight tolerances to be achieved with fast cycle times due to extremely rigid cutting conditions.

What Are The Benefits?

CNC Swiss machining lends itself well to long slender parts that conventional lathes struggle with. Much faster cycle times are achieved due to the inherent rigidity of the Swiss sliding headstock concept. Complex parts become easier due to the flexibility of the available live tools and sub-spindle. Better surface fishes are achieved as well.

CNC Machining Experts | Northeast Precision

Swiss Machining is Perfect for…

  • Parts that require critical straightness and the tightest tolerances

  • High quality finishes

  • Parts that need to be both milled and turned

Examples of the high quality machine work we can provide

Have a Project?

Northeast Precision Inc. can handle any type of custom machining to produce nothing short of extremely precise results. You can trust us with having over 20 years of experience in the industry.